Probiotics for Constipation During Pregnancy

Experiencing constipation and other gastrointestinal woes is an unfortunate reality for many women during pregnancy. Along with increased hormones like progesterone relaxing intestinal muscles, factors like vitamin/mineral deficiencies, inadequate hydration, prenatal vitamins, and pressure from expanding uteruses can all contribute to uncomfortable, irregular bowel movements. 

While gentle laxatives offer temporary relief, mounting scientific evidence suggests maintaining robust populations of probiotic microflora through supplementation or diet may provide safer, more sustainable constipation prevention throughout all trimesters.

We examine how probiotics combat pregnancy-related irregularity and the key strains experts recommend for soon-to-be mothers.

Why Pregnancy Increases Constipation Risk

Multiple physiological changes during gestation can disrupt intestinal equilibrium and healthy transit times, including:

💯 Hormonal Shifts – Rising progesterone and estrogen relax intestinal smooth muscle tone slowing contractions propelling waste matter.

💯 Uterine Expansion – As fetuses grow, increased abdominal cavity pressure can physically obstruct bowel movements.

💯 Nutritional Shortfalls – Increased nutrient demands leave many mothers deficient in fiber, magnesium, potassium and fluids softening stools.

💯 Stress and Fatigue – Physical and emotional pregnancy stresses can manifest as gut dysfunction and irregular bowel habits.

💯 Prenatal Supplements – Iron-rich vitamins commonly prescribed can bind with food residues clogging elimination pathways.

Collectively, these factors leave many expectant mothers plagued by gastrointestinal impaction, painful straining, hemorrhoids, hard pellet-like stools and other unpleasant irregularity side effects.

Probiotic Mechanisms Relieving Pregnancy Constipation 

Replenishing select “friendly” probiotic bacterial and yeast strains during pregnancy helps restore optimal gastrointestinal homeostasis and regular bowel movements through mechanisms like:

➣ Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production – Probiotic fermentation of fibers yields lubricating, peristalsis-stimulating metabolites like butyrate.

➣ Muscular Function Enhancement – Certain probiotics directly facilitate more coordinated propulsive colon contraction patterns.  

➣ Gut Inflammation Reduction – Anti-inflammatory capacities in probiotics prevent inflammation stalling intestinal rhythms.

➣ Nutritional Synthesis – Live cultures synthesize vitamins, enzymes, and other compounds supporting digestive processes. 

➣ Prebiotic Nourishment – Prebiotics in foods/supplements further proliferate probiotic colony metabolism resolving dysbiosis.

Furthermore, probiotics’ systemic multi-faceted benefits during pregnancy promote overall maternal wellness while ensuring critical nutrients reach developing fetuses.

Evaluating Probiotic Pregnancy Safety

While considered generally safe for most expectant mothers when utilized properly, probiotic use during pregnancy does warrant some precautions:

💠 Avoid Excessive CFU Potencies – Most doctors advise keeping probiotic colony forming unit (CFU) doses below 10-20 billion, particularly in early trimesters.  

💠 Select Researched, Quality Strains – Use only well-studied, clinically-validated probiotic genera/species from reputable brands.

💠 Check for Contraindications – Those with compromised immunity, premature rupture of membranes or other issues should consult OB/GYNs first.

💠 Stay Hydrated – Increased probiotic intake requires parallel increases in water consumption to facilitate softer, easier bowel movements.

💠 Start Low, Go Slow – Begin with smaller doses, then gradually increase over weeks as gastrointestinal tracts adjust to minimize undesirable side effects.

Barring any preexisting medical conditions, most healthy pregnant women can safely take advantage of probiotics’ natural constipation-fighting properties when properly implemented.

Top Probiotic Strains for Pregnancy

While more large-scale randomized controlled trials are still needed, accumulating clinical evidence highlights several specific probiotic genera and strains providing reliable regularity for expectant mothers:

⭕ Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®) – Among most researched and effective for improving stool frequency/consistency in pregnancy.

⭕ Bifidobacterium lactis BB-12® – Exceptional colonizing capabilities facilitating softer, effortless bowel movements.

⭕ Saccharomyces boulardii – Probiotic yeast secreting digestive enzymes and antimicrobial compounds clearing impactions.

⭕ Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM/La-14 – Enhances nutrient uptake while providing lubricious transit effects.

⭕ Bifidobacterium breve Bs-88 – Generates prolific butyrate boosting colonic motility patterns in pregnant subjects.

Additionally, gynecologists advise considering multi-strain combinations packing several complementary regularity-enhancing probiotics in each prenatal formulation.

Standalone Prenatal Probiotics vs Combining

To provide comprehensive, convenient constipation prevention, many physicians now recommend standalone probiotic supplements specifically formulated for pregnant/nursing mother gastrointestinal needs.

Examples of quality prenatal probiotic formulas include: 

✔ Wholiprant by FullBiotec® – 10 billion CFU L. rhamnosus GG and prebiotics studied for preventing constipation

✔ Nutrition53 OptiHealth Pregnancy – 8 strains including L. acidophilus, B. lactis, women-focused vitamins 

✔ Bauer Nutrition Prenatal Probiotic – Potent B. lactis HN019 strain and cranberry concentrated for urinary/gut health

However, OB/GYNs often encourage combining general broad-spectrum probiotics with prebiotic fibers along with regular prenatal multivitamin/mineral regimens for synergistic intestinal support and symptom relief. If you are searching for a perfect probiotics check YourBiology Gut+ , it is safe and affordable.

Other Complementary Tips

In addition to probiotic supplementation, physicians recommend other tactics to prevent and alleviate pregnancy constipation:

♦ Hydrate Frequently – Consume at least 8-10 glasses of water daily to facilitate softer, smoother stool consistency 

♦ Exercise Regularly – Even light activities like walking help stimulate intestinal motility patterns

♦ Consume More Fiber – Load up on prebiotic-rich high-fiber fruits, veggies, grains and legumes to further feed probiotics

♦ Try Gut Massage – Gently massaging the abdomen in a clockwise pattern may help expel gas and get things moving

♦ Avoid Harsh Laxatives – Stay away from irritating over-the-counter stimulant laxatives which can worsen symptoms  

♦ Consider Supplemental Magnesium – This mineral aids muscle contractions while softening stools naturally

Commonsense lifestyle and nutritional adjustments alongside probiotic support provide expectant mothers great natural relief from pregnancy-related constipation.